C2O library

The current progress of my latest project — C2O library slash cinematheque. It wasn’t what I had in mind (I had visualised what every gazillion people probably imagine when the phrase “small, cozy bookshop” pops up), but we are working on it.
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With a tremendous help from Danny’s technical notes, I’m building the wall-mounted shelf to accommodate the extra boxes of books. My decision to compromise the materials from a workshop leftovers seems to greatly affect its sturdiness though — the Carrefour’s alternatives looks much stronger by comparison now, Olympic boycott be damned.

So much for say no to plastic eh? Will be in Jakarta from 6 to 15.

Some mp3s I’ve upped for a long time but never get to post :). Cookies for anyone who can guess where the first song comes from.

milk & kisses,

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