Another Life is Possible: Homage to Catalonia II

Another life is possible. Homage to Catalonia II (60’, 2010) directed by Joana Conill, Manuel Castells & Alex Ruiz Through seventy interviews conducted in Catalonia, this film provides visibility to invisible economic practices aiming to satisfy the real needs and desires of people. It documents the construction of a sustainable, decentralized, solidarity economy, which makes use …

Libraries of our own

Black, Alistair. “Introduction: Libraries of our own”. In The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland (vol. 3), edited by A. Black & P. Hoare. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 123-124. An historic suspicion of the centralised state, combined with the rise of the free market and a supporting ideology hostile to extensive …

Cornell-NY bag. 2: Cornell, di luar konferensi

Karena ada beberapa teman yang tertarik dengan hal-hal di luar materi akademis yang dibahas di presentasinya sendiri, dan kebanyakan adalah teman-teman berbahasa Indonesia, saya tuliskan juga di sini persiapan-persiapan saya, pengalaman di sana, fasilitas, dan sebagainya, dalam bahasa Indonesia. Daripada saya mengulang menjelaskan berulang kali. Bagi yang tertarik hanya pada materi presentasi saja, silakan membaca …

Cornell-NY bag. 1: 15th Southeast Asian Graduate Studies Conference

Tulisan ini adalah liputan konferensi pascasarjana tahunan ke-15 kajian Asia Tenggara yang diselenggarakan di Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, pada 1-3 Maret 2013. Saya masih hutang satu lagi tulisan lain mengenai perjalanan saya secara keseluruhan. Tapi yah, silakan baca ini dulu. Penyelenggaraan konferensi dikelola oleh mahasiswa-mahasiwa pascasarjana, …

Digital_Humanities, and design

I’m enjoying Digital_Humanities, by Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, Jeffrey Schnapp (MIT Press, 2012). It has been very helpful in providing a thorough, comprehensive introduction to Digital Humanities, considering the diverse, patchwork nature of this emerging field. It elaborates on its histories, methodologies, giving us case studies, social life and a short guide. An …

Indonesian National Seminar on Open Access: the Future of Repositories and Scholarly Publishing

Last October, I wrote a short article titled “Open Access in Indonesia?” for the Networked Researcher Open Access Week 2012 Blogging Unconference. My article was borne out of my unawareness and perplexity, since back then, although we could find Indonesian journals listed under DOAJ, and many green standard self-archiving initiatives, I could not find any …

Kehidupan Rahasia Pembaca

Terjemahan dari tulisan Jennifer Howard, “Secret Lives of Readers,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 17 Desember 2012: Buku mengungkap diri mereka sendiri. Apakah mereka hadir dalam bentuk cetak ataupun pixel, buku dapat dibaca dan diperiksa dan diungkap rahasianya. Pembaca, sebaliknya, jauh lebih sukar dipahami. Mereka meninggalkan jejak—catatan di pinggir halaman, noda pada jilidan—tapi petunjuk-petunjuk penanganan buku itu …